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Unlock your real estate potential with stivezy - the ultimate solution for your business. Streamline operations, boost efficiency, and succeed in style!
The assurances of https://stivezy.com
Heart for the cause
Manifest signed and story shared.

In Nigeria, Stivezy Real Estate is redefining the industry by focusing on people and communities. Founded by Ibrahim Tayo, the company prioritizes sustainable and inclusive development. Through their "Community First" program, they provide affordable housing, support local businesses, and create vibrant public spaces. Their efforts have transformed neighborhoods and uplifted countless families, making Stivezy a beacon of hope in Nigerian real estate. With integrity and innovation, they continue to build a better future, one home at a time.
View Manifest
This contact information was found.
- Website
- https://stivezy.com
- Address
- 10, Shopping complex, airforce junction, airport road, 240101 Ilorin, Nigeria
- Phone
- 09077165876
- Company name
- 2024-03-26
- CoC
- RC7810932
- 1080301888
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